Any of several plant glycoproteins that bind to specific carbohydrate groups on the plasma membrane of cells, used in the laboratory to stimulate proliferation of lymphocytes and to_red blood cells. 植物凝血素任一种与细胞质膜上的特定碳水化合物结合的植物糖蛋白,在实验室中用来加速淋巴细胞的繁殖和红血细胞的凝结。
Effect of Plasma Membrane Permeability Levels on Ethanol Yield of Cyperus Esculentus Meals Fermentation 酵母细胞膜透性变化对发酵油莎豆粕制乙醇的影响
Expression of plasma membrane H~+-ATPase in soybean root by semi RT-PCR systems under low phosphorus stress 半定量RT-PCR法检测低磷胁迫下大豆根系质膜H~+-ATPase基因的表达
The outer lining of a eukaryotic cell is called the plasma membrane. 真核细胞的外层叫做质膜。这层膜将细胞与周围环境分开并保护细胞。
Conclusion DHA shows a strong impairment on the plasma membrane and cytoskeleton of Giardia lamblia. 结论DHA对蓝氏贾第鞭毛虫的质膜及细胞骨架有较强的损伤作用。
In plant roots AMT-type ammonium transporters have been demonstrated to mediate high-affinity ammonium uptake across the plasma membrane. 铵转运蛋白(AMT)介导的高亲和力铵跨膜运输是植物根系吸收铵态氮的主要途径。
Plasma membrane components-enriched sample was chromatographed on size exclution column. 将所得到的富质膜成分样品进行排阻高效液相色谱分离。
Glycerol is an important component of glycerophospholipid, the basic structure of the cell plasma membrane. 甘油是细胞质膜基本结构甘油磷脂的重要组份。
Ceramide is a lipid molecule naturally present in the cell's plasma membrane and controls cell functions, including cell aging, or senescence. 神经酰胺是一种脂质分子,通常存在于在细胞的胞膜上,并且能够调节细胞的功能:包括细胞老化或衰老。
However, molecular bases for the plasma membrane Ca2+ influx and its regulation remain largely unknown. 然而钙离子跨细胞膜进行内流的分子基础和调控机制并不清楚。
Effects of ammonium-and nitrate-nutrition on the plasma membrane H~+-ATPase and proton pump of rice leaves 铵、硝营养对水稻叶细胞膜H~+-ATPase和质子泵活性的影响
Plasma membrane transporters show rapid changes in catalytic activity in response to changes in the environment. 质膜转运蛋白活性对环境变化能做出迅速响应。
The membrane bond protein complexes are critical for the transmition of signal across the plasma membrane. 膜与蛋白的联合体是跨膜信号传递中至关重要的部分。
Capacitation encompasses plasma membrane reorganization, ion permeability regulation, cholesterol loss and changes in the phosphorylation state of many proteins. 精子获能过程包括了质膜重组、离子渗透调节、胆固醇减少和许多蛋白质磷酸化状态的变化。
Aquaporin ( water pore) A protein channel in the plasma membrane that facilitates water movement across the membrane. 水通道(水孔):位于质膜上的一种蛋白通道,控制水的跨膜运输。
Over the years, it has frequently been assumed that washing the cells with buffer after incubation causes desorption of peptide associated with the plasma membrane. 多年来,人们常假定孵育后的细胞再用缓冲液洗涤时,能导致细胞膜结合多肽的解吸附作用。
An integrin, or integrin receptor, is an integral membrane protein in the plasma membrane of cells. 粘合素,或粘合素受体是细胞膜中一种必须的膜蛋白质。
Unlike the related polyenes, nystatin and filipin, pimaricin does not change the permeability of the plasma membrane. 不像相关的聚烯类、利霉菌素和非律平,那他霉素不能改变质膜的通透性。
Effect of Rhizosphere pH on the Expression of Plasma Membrane H~+-ATPase Gene in Rice Plants 根际pH对水稻细胞膜质子泵基因表达的影响
Protein Profiling and Function Analysis of Liver Plasma Membrane 肝脏质膜蛋白质表达谱的构建及功能研究
Cytoplasmic membrane, or cell membrane, plasma membrane, is a soft, fragile and flexible semi-permeable membrane, which underlines cell wall and surrounds cytoplasm. 也称细胞膜,是一层紧贴细胞壁内侧,包围细胞质的柔软、脆弱而有弹性的半透性薄膜。
Effects of yolk antibody against adipocyte plasma membrane on adipocyte proliferation and apoptosis 脂肪细胞膜蛋白卵黄抗体对脂肪细胞增殖与凋亡的影响
H_2O_2 induces changes in the plasma membrane of Saccharomyces cerevisiae 过氧化氢诱导酿酒酵母细胞膜透性和组成的变化
Exixytosis Exicytosis is the secretion of proteins out of the cell across the plasma membrane into the extracellular space. 胞吐作用胞吐作用就是将蛋白质穿过细胞膜分泌到质膜外。
Protective effects of astaxanthin on the oxidative damage of plasma membrane induced by hydrogen peroxide 虾青素对过氧化氢所致质膜氧化损伤的保护作用
When a drug permeates a cell, it must obviously traverse the cellular plasma membrane. 当药物透过细胞时,它显然必定要穿过胞浆膜。
Effect of tb(ⅲ) on plasma membrane fatty acids composition in horseradish leaves Tb(Ⅲ)对辣根叶片膜脂脂肪酸构成的影响
The nuclei removed by these techniques are not surrounded by a narrow rim of cytoplasm and a plasma membrane. 应用这种技术所去掉的核的周围未被一窄圈胞质和质膜所包绕。
Protoplast The protoplasm and plasma membrane of a cell after removal of the cell wall, where present. This can be achieved by physical means or by enzymic digestion. 原生质体:指去掉细胞壁以后的细胞原生质以及质膜。可用物理方法或酶消化得到。
Study on the combined toxic effect of Cd and Ni on the plasma membrane of guinea pig alveolar macrophages 镉与镍对豚鼠肺泡巨噬细胞膜的联合毒性研究